Turkish Oregano Buds are hand-picked just before they transform into flowers. With a flavor more concentrated than leaves, grind these small pinecone-shaped buds into pasta, omlettes or any dish that needs a blast of fresh, springlike flavors.
For many years oregano was called "wild marjoram." There are a handful of botanists who are of the opinion that Marjoram and Oregano are practically indistinguishable, but this sentiment is not shared by most chefs who feel that these two herbs have quite unique flavor profiles.
Grown in Denizili Turkey from Burlap and Barrel
- Add to stews, soups, pasta, veggies, potatoes and beans
- Combine with paprika, cumin, coriander, salt for beef or pork rubs
- Use in marinades and sauces to provide a pungent, earthy flavor base
- Pairs well with: Cumin, peppers, rosemary, thyme, fennel