Premium Zanzibar Black Peppercorns grow in bunches like grapes, on a climbing vine. Most black peppercorns are harvested while still green, and the drying process gives them their distinctive dark skin. These are allowed to ripen longer on the vine before being hand-picked and sun-dried, resulting in a rich chocolate-colored pepper berry with dense wrinkles and a bright, fruity spiciness.
From a small group of artisan farmers on the Zanzibar islands off of the eastern coast of Tanzania. These peppers are harvested after they turn a rich shade of orange before they are sun dried into rich, chocolate-colored berries.
Sourced from Burlap and Barrel Zanzibar Black Peppercorns are grown on an EU-certified organic farm.
- Grind and add to a variety of dishes late in the looking cycle
- Sprinkle a light handful whole into stews and soups
- Aromatic, complex, smoky, spicy, hint of citrus
- Pairs well with: Paprika, Chili, Sumac, Garlic